Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Full Hamster Mech

Don't mess with this hamster.


k.h.whitaker said...

ok, now I have to comment on this one too, this is seriously great

kristina dutton said...

OMGSH! i love it! hahaha that made my day complete!

Matt Doering said...

Coolest hampster EVER!

Unknown said...

K.H.- Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you like it.

Kristina- Glad that I made your day. I see all it takes to make you happy is a rodent in a robot.

Matt- Here is a list of the top five coolest rodents...

1. Bunnicula
2. Ralph S mouse "The mouse and the motorcycle.
3. Remy from Ratatouille
4. The Secret of Nihm -all the rats in that movie were pretty cool
5. Watership Down- Bunny's killing one another with their teeth and claws! Nothing cooler.

SO you see this guy didn't even make my top five list...but there were a lot of bunnies in the list.

Pablo said...

Now this is too cool. I love this. Your really need to put out some prints. This piece Has fun written all over it.